Sid McNairy
Ambassador of Peace
A Letter to all Ambassador of Peace Supporters
America is sitting on the brink of losing its democracy and Peace is the Power to live by. It is time to move forward to a new place and it starts with the overall operating system of all citizens. The ongoing decline in mental and physical health has been evident since the decline in the moral fiber in the country. To address our country’s decline it is imperative to bring forward an immediate shift in the overall operating system. Now is a critical point to restore Peace in order to save the souls of Humanity.
The fact is in America we are facing the devastating impact of a pandemic from inflation, with the following trends: U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00%, a 3.3% increase from 2021. U.S. inflation rate for 2021 was 4.70%, a 3.46% increase from 2020) and cost of living hikes. Bloomberg has noted the following: Groceries are up 25% since January 2020. Same with electricity. Used-car prices have climbed 35%, auto insurance 33% and rents roughly 20%). I have personally worked with people to find new streams of income and ways to maintain mental health by gaining true Peace that overcomes outside circumstances.
When hearing about the overall stress around basic survival needs. Hearing people speak to their stress of feeding their children. The stress of small business closures and more. The tension between head of households and stress from the youth because of life situations. All creating tension between cultures, races and economic status must be addressed. To move beyond and into a new stimulus it’s time for motivation from a new operating system to allow all citizens to move ahead and create new pathways to success.
The next generation health and safety issues must be addressed to eliminate mental illness, health issues and curb violence (As noted by the CDC 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24). By continuing to strengthen the new operating system in the youth a needed transformation will be achieved to activate an overall care for humanity.
Furthermore it is imperative that we increase the quality of life for all citizens. By building togetherness and community through Peace, understanding and compassion we will begin a new way forward.
The Path to Power is Peace, after helping thousands of people move beyond attempted suicides, thousands create the life of their dreams and live an overall better quality of life. It is now time to bring a new operating system forward helping all move beyond with the Playbook to achieve 100% Peace in every way. Upgrading curriculums to increase life skills of Peace in classrooms while impacting all who come in contact with a new operating system.
Thank you for taking the time to become aware and support the mission of peace. As I, Sidney A. McNairy III, a.k.a. Sid McNairy, continue the mission established in 2010 to bring Peace to the world.
As the Ambassador of Peace for the United States of America, I will continue to be committed to bring peace forward in the lives of all. As the AoP I will be in charge of gathering the team to bring forward events and teaching to create the operating system around Peace for all. By traveling to speak at universities, schools, business, and community events we will create a new space for Peace to grow. As the AoP the mission is to bring Peace to the U.S.A. and beyond.
Now is time to request your support for Sid to move into the next step of the mission of Peace. By signing this page, you are stating support of Sid McNairy, being the Ambassador of Peace for the United States of America and the world.
It is up to each of us to do our part to bring Peace forward for all beings, and the next seven generations, it’s time and it starts here. By signing you are stating your support of Sidney A. McNairy to move us forward.
When the power is needed the way is revealed. When humanity is crying, a mission is born. When the world reaches a moment like today we must act now. A movement of this magnitude is needed now.
Thank you for signing and joining this movement. If you feel called to share this link with others please do and get others on the Mission of Peace in the United States of America and beyond.
In loving service,
Sidney A. McNairy III